Evaluation for Sudscape television advert

My role within this production was mainly cameraperson for the second location, we switched between cameramen on locations because me and Calum were both interested in the role. When I wasn’t filming I was helping to prep the location or setup equipment.

I also helped out within the pre production process storyboarding, writing a shot list and coming up with initial ideas for the ad, as for post production I had the tedious job of logging the footage, I also began to edit the footage to gain some experience using premiere pro however I found it extremely difficult to get my head around, Calum completed did the final edit.

When we started the production the five of us worked well together coming up with numerous ideas and unique selling points for the campaigne, however around November there was a lot of tension because of a disagreement in another production. I feel that this caused communication problems in the group.

Now that this unit is finished I feel relieved, it was one of the first times working as a group, to plan and create a production and so I went into it with an open mind. I am mproud of the finished product and the skills I learnt as camera person because I know that these skills have contributed to other units and will continue to do so. However I feel that as a group we didn’t communicate as well as we could of and I think that this resulted in some minor setbacks. Certain members of the group would not notify the rest when progress was made.

I feel that I could of improved by communicating more frequently with other members of the group concerning paperwork. Although I am proud of the final product I feel that some of the footage used could have been better focused. One of the clips had to be taken from the company website, and I think this makes the final advert look a lot less professional.

During this production I have learnt that I need to work on my communication and organisation skills in future tasks. It’s incredibly important for a group to know exactly what they should be doing at any point.

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