FMP Research

I looked at the website which is a Forum for skateboarders to upload there own videos and talk about all things skate.

Some of the videos that I found on the website gave me ideas for my FMP;

An element that I found eye catching in this video was the shot from 0:34- 0:40 seconds, the way the goes to slow motion highlighting the skill behind the trick and the movement of the skateboard, I also like the way the music builds up to this trick. This builds up anticipation of the viewer and makes for a very interesting watch.

 this video you can see cameramen running around truing to keep up with the skater, this gave me an idea of how tricky it is to capture tricks because of the movement. However we will be filming in a confined space, does this make it easier or harder? This is something I will have to look into and talk o potential camera crew about. (0:57seconds and 3:10seconds)

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I also found this video from 1978, when skateboarding became popular. To me it shows that it hasn’t really changed, boards are the same nowadays and more tricks have been discovered.

Fish eye lens

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Whilst researching I have found that fish eye lenses are commonly used in skateboarding videos, I had no idea why this had become such a conventional aspect of skate videos so I looked online at what other people had said about it.

why use fish eye?why fish eye lensScreen Shot 2013-10-17 at 10.50.32

From this I found that it is used mainly to make the board and skater look closer, and also because it looks good. Me and Megan are now debating weather to use one in our video.

Classic Skate VS New Skate

I looked at articles and forums on Modern skateboarding and Classic Skateboarding, from this I gathered that skating has had different audiences over the years. Punk skating is said to have a lot of history and some people might argue that people nowadays are only skating to look ‘cool’ and for fashion. Other people would say they label themselves because of the type of skating they do e.g. street skaters.

I think that skateboarding has evolved with generations and now skaters are just skaters, the audience is just wider which means more/different people are picking up a skateboard. Which ultimately means that our video has a wider target audience.


An issue we face is size, the size of the ramp in Ideal is quite confined. This means that the variety of shots and angles we can get is limited and might become repetitive.

I looked at some indoor skate videos to see how they got around this problem.

In this video they used the same three angles, which is what I don’t want for our video, although the shots of skaters will only be short and mainly used for filers, I want them to be as interesting as possible.


I think his makes for a very interesting shot as it takes you by surprise and also gives you a feel for the surroundings. (0:09seconds)

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What I like about this video is the light hearted tone showing the fun they are having on the ramp and also the bails, skateboarders take a lot of falls because practice makes perfect I think it is good that show this because it shows how hard it is to perfect. I would like to use this in our video however I don’t want anyone to be hurt in the process.


Promo videos

This video gave refreshed my memory of what and what not to do in a corporate/promotional video, although it is mostly common sense i found it quite useful.

I thought the best approach to looking at formats would be to look at work from the previous year group. So i scanned the ImagineBOA youtube channel for last years FMP’s.

conventional aspects

-information on what the company is/ does/sells etc

-interviews with workers/managers

– Interesting mise-en-scene and the placement of people and background


This is a video I found on youtube that is very similar to what we want to do for out own production in terms of format and content although we want to spend more time portraying the atmosphere of the shop and what it has to offer.


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